Aug 20, 2004 12:52
Basically today I've just been waiting for 7:00 tonight (That's when the lock in starts) I woke up at 8:00ish...since I haven't done summer reading in a while, I decided to catch up on Speak...I went from pg.64 to 111....I'm all read out :)
Mom left me w/ the two rugrats for 3 hours so she could go run some errands in peace....She sacrificed me.....I feel oh so get to referee their wrestling matches so no blood is spilt!!...((I though Em was gonna kill him for throwing bread at her at lunch)) good times, good times.. In the middle of all this Abs called me..she's picking me up...Gotta love her...I don't...HaHa Abby...jkjk.. :)
Em,Ty, and I ended up watching Willy Wonka...||I've always wanted to try a Wonka Bar!!!Never got around to it||
CrAZy Gram called too!!!!
Well I g2g.....But I can tell you what happens later..Abby picks me up and we go to the Lock In...I'll write more about that when it happens! :)
<3 Gauvin