Dec 31, 2004 14:39
Here's a Pre-2005 Survey for you :o)
*Do you like the number 2005?
*If you could choose, what year would you make it?
*Are you staying up all night to watch the ball drop?
This or That:
*listening to music/ watching TV
* movies/ shows
*school/ permanent vacation--
Would you:
*go skydiving?
*sing karioke in front of millions of people?
*kill someone?
*confront your fear?
*go on a TV Reality show?
What is:
*your fear--
*your eye color--
*your birthday--
*your pet's name--
*your brother (s)/sister(s) name--
*your favorite movie--
*your favorite kind of music--
*your favorite flavor ice-cream--
Do you:
*like me--
*love me--
*look up ot me--
*think I'm a good friend--
*How was 2004?--
*What's your goal for 2005?--