Oct 18, 2001 16:24
I am a fool because i think that...
That He has to appear before me, in all his might and majesty, gloriously overwhelming all those who witness Him, as a king rides along in white horse and golden chariot... followed by His associates and servants. "I tend to wonder why God would appear in our little lives when there are so many big problems needing to be solved in this world"
I am too blind to recognize that...
God is present in the tiniest moments in the universe - in all of them.
I pray to understand the instruction from someone who does recognize Gods presence...
"In answer to my musings about how God (Krsna) used to reveal Himself to great devotees in the past but how i don't feel Him in my life in the present, Srila Prabhupada writes that nowadays, both demigods and the Supreme Lord are not seen by our covered eyes. 'Modern men want to see everything with their eyes, although they are not sufficiently qualified. Consequently, they disbelieve in the existence of the demigods or of the Supreme God. They should see through the pages of authentic scriptures and should not simply believe their unqualified eyes. Even in these days, God can also be seen by qualified eyes tinged with the ointment of love of God. (Bhagavatam 2.6.29"
And i pray to have association with the Vaishnavas, who are freely giving this ointment away to any who are willing to take.I pray that I realize the value of this ointment, and not let any drop go unused
Excerpts taken from "Simplicity in Irish Spring" by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami