
Mar 25, 2010 02:03

[Falling back into old habits he didn't even know he had, Abel has been awake for a full twenty-four hours, now. Perhaps even longer. It's so much easier not to sleep, though, when coasting on fumes from some crazy green alien drugmist.

If nothing else, however, it seems he's been otherwise well taken care of - this unfortunate first broadcast is coming from inside an extremely cluttered little shop somewhere on the Tilriz. Abel himself is seated behind a very low table, sort of hunched over to keep from bumping his head on any of the shop's wares (a majority of which appears to be made up of very uniquely shaped cookware), and drinking something out of a curious little teacup. A kind of luminescent pink curl of steam is rising from whatever happens to be inside.

Also, he's wearing his hat completely upside-down, but that actually might have a perfectly reasonable explanation.]

Ah, can't we just elect to stay here? If only for a little while longer? I like this place much more than I thought I would. For one thing, I can actually afford to shop, here!

Oh, the locals are so friendly, too! It's such a nice change, after my last trip to a foreign land - even if the food has been sort of hit-or-miss.

abel nightroad [ru], !plot: smooth sailing

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