I think you meant to say Oliver the freaking hero! Because he's totes saved like... half of everyone, that crazy dude.
I think I've mentioned before how much I love the way you write him, but I'll go ahead and say it again. You've really given depth to him, and it's always interesting to see how he develops in response to everything going on. I'm looking forward to what happens with him in the endgame plots- and I'm also up for any kind of plotting you might want, if you're interested!
Alsooo, I have to say his thread with Jack cracked me up, with his enthusiasm and 8D -ness in response to Jack's sarcasm. XD
Hahaha, he would say it's the Doctor who does that! But he tries. It's like...his mission in life.
Thank you so much! I get worried that, with things moving slower at Gauntlet than I'm used to, I might lose touch with him and his development sometimes, so that's a real relief to hear. And gosh, I am always up for plotting! Did you have something in mind?
I was wondering how long it was going to take Jack to give up on him XD. He isn't normally like that, really! Well. Not to that extent, at least >.>;
No problem! It's always a blast to thread with him, and he can be so adorable!
I... don't really have any plotting ideas at the moment, and it can be kind of hard since we don't know what's going to happen next with the plot, but I guess I can throw Rukia's healing abilities out there? Nothing new, but it could be useful story-wise for people not getting killed, I guess? |D That and they could chill in the mess hall sometime, since Rukia totally has her ways of getting a table there. And if he reveals her love of rabbits she just might kill him rofl
I think Jack will like him! He just came at a bad time, lol.
Hahaha, Oliver is frequently in need of healing abilities XD. But yeah, I'm hoping for a new plot soon! Maybe we can think of something concrete then. Chilling in the mess hall sounds fun, though! Oliver would totally get her a pet bunny if he had access to do so. Ironically, he has a pet bunny in my other game, so that whole conversation cracked me up.
I have a feeling he and Jack will be trading TV/film references soon enough!
Aww, poor Oliver! Yeah, seeing where the plot goes should help. And Rukia totally would have just stolen a bunny from the bio-dome if it weren't for all these dangerous situations coming up. She still might try that, if things calm down enough for it.
She'd be waaayy too embarrassed to let anyone know about it, though! It's her guilty embarrassing secret thing she's totally overly defensive about. I've really loved the cracky threads that have come out of it. but really if he tells anyone about it she'll probably smack him XD
Ohh, that'd be awesome. I know Rukia learned from her slip-up with Oliver and managed to stop from giving away her secret to the Doctor. He really was curious though, unfortunately for Rukia. XD
ohho NEW IDEA. Someone totally needs to get caught/nearly caught/running into some else while running away from workers to avoid getting caught/etc. Because it would be fun and Rukia would probably try to blame it on someone else. Or just... run. |D
Or he catches her trying to steal one, and as they're both trying to discreetly get away some officer person catches them and it's totally an epic/cracky chase scene?
I know my activity is not what it used to be. Hit me with whatever you've got!
I think I've mentioned before how much I love the way you write him, but I'll go ahead and say it again. You've really given depth to him, and it's always interesting to see how he develops in response to everything going on. I'm looking forward to what happens with him in the endgame plots- and I'm also up for any kind of plotting you might want, if you're interested!
Alsooo, I have to say his thread with Jack cracked me up, with his enthusiasm and 8D -ness in response to Jack's sarcasm. XD
Thank you so much! I get worried that, with things moving slower at Gauntlet than I'm used to, I might lose touch with him and his development sometimes, so that's a real relief to hear. And gosh, I am always up for plotting! Did you have something in mind?
I was wondering how long it was going to take Jack to give up on him XD. He isn't normally like that, really! Well. Not to that extent, at least >.>;
I... don't really have any plotting ideas at the moment, and it can be kind of hard since we don't know what's going to happen next with the plot, but I guess I can throw Rukia's healing abilities out there? Nothing new, but it could be useful story-wise for people not getting killed, I guess? |D That and they could chill in the mess hall sometime, since Rukia totally has her ways of getting a table there. And if he reveals her love of rabbits she just might kill him rofl
I think Jack will like him! He just came at a bad time, lol.
I have a feeling he and Jack will be trading TV/film references soon enough!
Bonus points if someone/s get dragged into the mess with them?
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