Sep 18, 2010 23:40
I seem to have lost track of myself here. ^_^; Then again, I'm starting to notice a general overall slowdown of my creative drive lately, even in my more active games. Blame VDex and work. Life in general seems to be slowly eating my brain due to stress, and I'm hoping that things'll even out soon. I probably will be feeling much better after NYAF/NYCC in October, due to the fact that I'll be away from some of my stressors for several days (living with my parents at my age can't be healthy, even if it's better financially).
I'm hoping things at work will settle a little soon. They swamped themselves by laying me off from my temp job for a week and a half, then called me back like, "We have too much work!" which is kind of what the people I've been working with were trying to tell the guy who made the initial decision, but he didn't listen. But, once we manage to catch up and restabilize everything, my brain should be less than mush once again for me to be able to think better for writing. ^_^
So, no... not dead! I swear. Yes, Tophie... that's your icon. XD