- 14g IS titanium barbell shaft, ~7/16" long. if you have just the shaft that'd be great, or I'll buy an entire barbell if you'd rather sell that. I don't care what color it is but I'd prefer it to be on the cheaper side.
- 14g IS faux-pal threaded cab end (like
- 8g dichro! esp. orange-on-white or orange-on-cobalt from FF and super-esp. IS violet (regular or trans)
- 8g GG mint colorfronts
- other interesting 10g/8g stuff : )
I also have the following stuff for sale/trade
for sale/trade:
+ 8g
GWS tail spirals (ocean sparkle) sold
+ 8g
Glass Heart Studio peacock green squids+ 8g
Tawapa horn spirals of life, slightly mis-matched+ 8g
silver "lizard" (snake) hanging designs (never worn)
+ 8g
FF corkscrew dichro on cobalt+ 8g bone tail spirals
+ 8g IS horn trirals
+ 8g GG clear spirals
+ 6g horn carved hanging designs, I think from Painful Pleasures
+ 6g
horn with blue star plugs+ 6g DF
dominican amber (never worn)
+ 6g horn dong hoops (3 of 'em, two are slightly warped and the third is perfect)
+ 00g (9 mm, I believe) DF GWS mars plugs (picture
+ 00g (9 mm, I know) SF IS red satin dichro eyelets (not very red pic
here, I promise they're more red irl and I can try to get pics of that if you'd like) dibs to splatterhouse
for trade only:
Tawapa bloodwood tiger lilies + IS SF "red" dichro (definitely red in some lights, golden in other)
+ 12g
Imantia Designs sterling sea fan + 6g IS SF opal violet dichro
p.s. mods: the tags are still effed up (at least for me; when I click on any of them I get a "ERROR: sorry, one or more specified tags do not exist").
positive feedback for all the following buyers, I hope you all enjoy your new things : )
+ lady_lunacy
+ designergirl60
+ bailokaye
+ alilbitcunty
and positive feedback for dubh_cridhe for a trade : )