rice_dream_girl for the two pairs of 7/16 opals. They are so beautiful in person. Thank you! :D
bingoismynameo for the 7/16 ocean blues and teal colorfronts. Both are perfect and got here super quickly!
ghostlove for the 7/16 green seafloors. I have a pair of these in red already and these green ones are just are amazing. :D
anemia_nervosa for the 3 pairs of 7/16 faux dichro and 2 pairs of 7/16 real dichro. She not only gave me a great deal but did a partial trade with me since I didn't have enough money to cover the full price. Thanks so much hun!!!
vocalizing for the 3 bottles of oil and misc lot of tapers/plugs. I only have one complaint about this order and that is with communication. I paid for these items on 05/06/09 and was told they would go out on 05/08/09. On 05/16/09 I inquired as to when they were shipped and got a reply that they were sent out the following Friday as told which should have been 05/08/09. I got them in the mail then on 05/19/09 with a post marked date on the shipping of 05/16/09. I don't mind if things go out later than planned, we're all usually pretty patient, but when you inquire about when something was shipped to be lied to about their shipping date, that just doesn't seem very seller friendly. None-the-less I am still leaving positive feedback since they arrived quickly (once shipped) and in good condition.