so I have never sold body jewelry before

Jul 23, 2008 14:06

I've never shipped plugs before. Does anyone know if I can just put them in a plain envelope and use a stamp? I'm thinking the non-heavy stuff can go that route. Anyhow, it'd be like $3 tops, I think within Canada/US.
Okay, I guess bubble mailers are the way to go. $3 shipping!

prices don't include shipping. feel free to haggle.

12mm internally threaded steel eyelets

00g solid steel plugs

00g NEW hematite plugs

00g sf steel eyelets

00g black acrylic eyelets

0g white cat eyes

0g steel internally threaded eyelets

2g green cat eyes

2g NEW acrylic marble eyelets (blue and black)
$5 per pair

2g yellow acrylic plugs

6g NEW blue goldstone plugs

8g titanium-coat steel twistoffs

8g NEW white jade plugs

8g sf steel eyelets

8g dark blue cat eye plugs. I also have then in 00g but I can't seem to find them - if you're interested, I'll go hunt them down.
8g sold

12g steel plugs

10g steel cbrs

14g eyebrow spike thing

14g steel cbr

black 4g acrylic tapers
$2/pair or free with purchase

more acrylic tapers
$1 each or free with purchase

If you live in Toronto, I will do meetups to save postage!
Otherwise, paypal or google checkout preferred, concealed cash at your own risk, and I'll trade for 9/16"

p.s. thanks for tagging this post, mystery gaugetrader

8ga (~3.2mm), 0ga (~8mm), 6ga (~4mm), 12ga (~2mm), 00ga (~9-10mm), 2ga (~6.5mm), 12mm, 10ga (~2.4mm), 14ga (~1.6mm)

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