8g IS, FF, GWS and Oracle plugs - hoping to trade for IS 6g plugs/14g ends

Apr 02, 2011 20:28

Update: 8g malachite IS plugs $20, 8g Oracle plugs $12 per pair, 6g FF plugs $10 + $3 postage to anywhere. I've given up on trades as it doesn't seem to be happening.

Hi guys, I'm sure this is a VERY long shot but I thought I'd give it a go anyway. I bought a bunch of lovely IS plugs when I was at 8g and I've tried wearing them with 6g earskins but they feel and look not quite right to me that way.

Magenta fauxpal: Sold to lady lunacy 

Lime fauxpal: 
Sold to ramblequeen3

Fire red fauxpal: - Sold to Sapphiredonna

AB cab in light blue Ti: 
Sold to ramblequeen3

I forgot about these, 8g malachite IS cabs, I loved these <3

If possible I'd like to trade these for items of similar value but if you really, really like something and don't have anything to trade feel free to let me know so we can discuss price. I'm interested in anything fauxpal and in gem cabs (except shell/MOP) 6g or ends for 14g barbells.

I also have a bunch of GWS and FF plugs I'd like to trade or sell, all 8g except for the blue dichro on yellow which is 6g. From left to right: GWS trans green sparkle, FF blue on yellow (6g), GWS amberpurple, FF orange on white, FF gold on amber, FF purple on plum, FF aqua on light cobalt.
 Sold to ramblequeen3


I also have Oracle goldstone and green goldstone plugs which I think I paid $24.00 for on BAF so I'll sell each pair for $12 + $3 postage

I don't have a close up of the green goldstone but Oracle has one here: http://www.oraclebodyjewelry.com/single-flare-plugs/single-flare/

Thanks for reading :-D

14ga (~1.6mm), 8ga (~3.2mm), 6ga (~4mm)

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