I have ouchie

Jan 22, 2009 15:06

So I started working out today, and the nice lady on the dvd proceeded, inside of 40 minutes, to give me a charley horse and a whole slew of muscle pain.

Actually, I should back up a few weeks for this story to make any sort of sense.

On January 2nd, I and my whole office was given notice that we had been laid off, with everyone's final day being the 9th. This wasn't really a surprise to anybody there that had been paying attention for the entire 4th quarter of 2008, but it still felt like a sucker punch nonetheless. So I'm currently unemployed with a 2-month severance countdown to find another job. Because he's an awesome friend, TDL came up the weekend of the 9th to hang out and watch football and drink beers.

So I took last week as my decompression week, not looking for jobs or doing anything of the sort, which I needed. As much as I wouldn't really admit it, the job was taking its toll on me. This really is nothing more than a blessing in disguise. Yeah, I don't work for Ma Edison anymore, but that's really OK with me. On the 15th I got my last 2 wisdom teeth hacked out, which laid me out for nearly a week (today's the first day I didn't have oatmeal for breakfast, for example), and put a dent in my "things to do while I look for a job" plans.

"Things to do while I look for a job"
1) Start working out.
2) Re-start learning/improving my guitar skills.
3) Look for a job.
4) Get out of the house.

I picked up one of those big rubber balls, a resistance band, and a couple of dvds to facilitate the working out, which leads all the way back to today, when I inflated the thing and got to starting. I really want to stick with this. Recently, I've found myself seriously wanting to look better than I do right now. This is a new feeling--usually I just put it out of my mind and go back to thinking that I'm fine with the whole image--and after a trip 2 weeks ago to the doctor for the first time in 5 years, I'm trying to shore up the ol' bod. Back in late HS/early college I wasn't too big and had a jaw you could open letters with. Now, if I shave off the goatee my face looks like it's trying to swallow my mouth. Plus, if I start a routine now, it'll be that much easier to re-schedule doing it when I'm back to being employed. 40 min a day; I can do this. One day down, onward and upward.

As far as the guitar goes, that's on the docket as well. Even though I'm working with some unfortunate genetics (my Norse body is cursed with stubby Scottish fingers), this is something else that I've put off for far too long. While my collection of instruments is going to look awesome when it's hanging on the wall of my [future] finished basement, I'd like to be able to take one down and actually, you know, use it when I want to. So, as I force myself to face the nice lady on the tv while I straddle a big blue ball, I'm going to force myself to pick up the instrument and have the learning program on the computer teach me as well.

This weekend we are finally going down to NY to get our Christmas presents from my parents. Yes, the tree is long gone (well, not here, but that's another story) but I made my mother keep them there instead of mailing them to us, because it's always fun to open presents with your parents. Plus, I have to give my mother this new microwave that's been sitting on my floor for a month.

So...now we're up to speed. And after this weekend (since I'll be home), I totally want to hang out. So let's do that!
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