(no subject)

May 11, 2009 17:07

0 Day, 0 Month...

We did it, doods! We're finally free of that wretched she-devil, Etna, forever!  With out invincible super robot, Pringer X, nothing can stand before us, doods!

Behold, our mighty robot, it's armaments are many and great! We should have our own show, now that we have our own game...

We're the best prinnies in all the worlds, doods<3  Nothing can resist our might<3



Pringer Missiles: Finger missiles, fired from beneath the fins.

Pringer Spiral Plasma Chop: A powerful strike with the fin is all we need, doods!

Pringer Bomber: Throw explosives from the great dimensional pouch.

Pringer Aurora Triangle Kick: A beautiful divebombing attack <3

Pringer Great Booster: Wouldn't it be cool if we had one of these, doods?

Pringer Spinning Drill Attack: A high speed spin attack, dood!

Pringer Beam: The ultimate finishing attack, doods! A giant eyebeam shot in a circle around a foe makes a nuclear-sized explosion! Char, dood!

"I just realised something, doods...we're going to be a joke unit like Boss Borot..."
"They can't do that to us, doods<3 We're too awesome<3"
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