Apr 17, 2014 14:14
We docked in Salaverry, Peru, this morning, accompanied by hundreds of pelicans. They flew in a single line of three or five or fifteen, or just messed about. A convention took place in the water, then later it moved to a flat piece of sand, and occupied nearly a square block of space. A A very small group of white birds took up residence next to the pelicans. We saw a very large black bird soaring above, checking out the convention; its wings were like teeth. I don't think it was a condor, it wasn't as big as I think they are. This evening I hope to see the smaller black and white birds I saw in the bay at Valparaiso. They soar, then suddenly drop staight down, head first into the water, wings extended, hitting the water with a silvery splash, then rise directly up into the air.