Jan 26, 2006 10:52
So I finally, yes finally, saw Donnie Darko last night. This was a surprise, even to me, that for whatever idiotic reason, I had not seen this movie yet. I had had countless people both tell me about it, and highly recommend it to me (with nearly every person telling me how much I would love the movie). Well, right they all were to build it up as they did. Melinda finally made me watch it last night, and it just blew me away. I'd have to say that I can already tell you this is and will be one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm going to go out and buy it tomorrow, and I can pretty much guarantee that I will watch it many times in the coming days just to take it all in again. If you're one of the unfortunate people who has not seen it, do not make the same mistake I did, stop waiting around and watch it as soon as you can.
I was listening to the Flaming Lips last night, and it's funny how sentimental it made me. I remember listening to that album (Yoshimi) for the first time ever the week before I left for college. I remember how that album was something Dave and I had in common when we first met and started drinking hateraide on yoga-girl. Looking at it now, many of the meanings of the songs have changed for me as time has progressed, but those memories will always remain.
Thoughts like this seem to permeate my mind quite frequently now, such as thinking about how being in Leidy Lab 10 as a senior in biochem. is so much different than as a freshman in 121, wondering whether or not I was cut out to be a Bio. major at Penn.
So this is what it's like to be a second semester senior.