Yeah, enslaved. My partner cajoled me to have a baby with him, so now I spend way too much time protecting the child from him, battling to turn the tv off (never), and wishing I were dead (every day). In four years I have not been able to own property, because my child takes everything I even think about owning and breaks it into tiny little pieces. He has zero ability to memorize rules, and can climb walls like Spider Man. At five years of age he still cannot say 'Please' without prompting. I have not taken a piss or shit, or eaten a meal in 4 1/2 years without being pushed, pulled, scratched, fallen on, or climbed on, and every time I try to lie down, no matter what I do, my child appears and STEPS ON MY NIPPLES, because due to joint problems I can only lie on my side. If I lock my child in his room, he shakes the furniture until it collapses, and on one occasion he broke the nursery window and crawled out onto the porch roof, bleeding.
Once upon a time, I was a person. I had rights. Now I am nothing. EXCEPT ENSLAVED
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Once upon a time, I was a person. I had rights. Now I am nothing. EXCEPT ENSLAVED
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