So, since September I've been square dancing every Wednesday night, for the exercise. I've been meaning to write about it for awhile.
The local square dance club, the Circulators, have a float in the parade that goes past my house, and every year I think about joining, because I want to wear the poufy dress =0) I will say that what got me there this time was the brochure that said that a VARIETY of music is used in square dancing today. Okay!
Of course it is almost all retired people, and dang is there a lot of pressure to do more than weekly lessons. There's a dance pretty much every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and if we have a certain number of people there, we "raid" that club and take their banner. (Get crucial!) Plus I'm always getting hit up to be a greeter or make food.
Square dance culture itself is interesting. It is very heterocentric. If a girl wants to dance this dance, she stands up so the boys will know to ask her. Sitting down means you're sitting this one out. I really can see how square dancing would have been very exciting for young single people long ago, because you get to touch all the opposite sex people in your square, and you could whisper to him or her if you needed to!
Of all the corny square dance moves, "Load the Boat" takes the cake for me. It is just funny to say. It involves 4 people going around the outside of the square while the inner 4 doodle around unnecessarily ;0)