07-16-06 Creepy stairs Originally uploaded by
I started out on Flickr today totally jazzed about some things going on at work and loving all of the beautiful photographs that I had come across this week when I came upon photos that I never want to see again. Not because they are poorly taken but because the photos depict something that I find repulsive, war. There is a photographer on Flickr by the name of "Arabist" who is photographing the insanity that is occurring in Lebanon. I have never seen so many photos of dead children. Most of the dead, consist of women and children. They're civilians trying to find a way out and they are being killed by Israeli missiles. As if the photographs of dead children aren't bad enough, I then find one of Israeli children writing notes on bombs heading for Lebanon. Someone please explain to me how that is ok!
When this whole conflict started I remember telling my mother how I wished Israel and "insert Arab nation here" would just blow each other off the map that way the rest of us could go back to being decent people. I am tired of my country allowing Israel a free ticket to blow up whatever country it wants. Yes, I know that Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by Hezbollah but let me ask this, How many times are we gonna go through this vicious cycle of violence over there? It's either Palestinians, or Iraq, or Syria, or Lebanon. They bomb them, then they bomb back, then they bomb them again and it goes on and on till hundreds or thousands of innocent people are dead and nothing is ever resolved. I do not see a peaceful end to this anytime soon. I think thousands upon thousands of innocent people on both sides will die all the while politicians sit around bickering over who started what and which one will cave first.
The picture above is from a cave. I originally liked it because of the the moss on the wall and the stairs that seem to come up from this dark abyss and lead into this wonderful world. Now I just look at this photo and want to run down into that cave and hide.