I think it's finally time to talk about some crap that's annoying.

Apr 02, 2005 01:25

1) Death of Johnny Cochran - Don't care. Sorry, Children die of hunger and dont' even get a chance at life. You got to be a lawyer whose specialty was to target law enforcement on the basis of racism.  Rest in Peace, your legacy is all that you have, I hope your life defending the famous was the one you wanted.

2) In august gay/lesbian leaders are planning 10 day world festival in .... Jerusalem.  That's right, it's home to the big 3 religions in the world.  Clerics from all of them are outraged.  In  a rare moment of unity they have said together that it would desecrate the holy ground and make an erroneous statement that it is ok to be homosexual.  I think their concerns are understandable, but I disagree.  I do not think people should try and flaunt each other's beliefs at each other in a way to simply dishonor them.  But, could a gay man proclaim his sexual tendencies and come to your church and pray with you?  Would you say no? I don't think so.  But having a 10day gaypride parade in the holy city is quite a bit of a jump.  I agree. But, I have no issues with peaceful celebration in my street, or in my city.  I consider places sacred, but Jeruselem is not private property.  Just because 3 religions (christians, muslims and Jews) have a special meaning for a place doesn't mean a 4th can't have the same claim.  Members of those 3 have desecrated that city enough with war and suffering that I doubt anyone is any position to say who has any holy claim to it.

I don't think any orthodox Chrsitian/muslim/jew i know think God is ok with homosexuality.  That seems plain enough so I dont' think any extra members of faith are in trouble as far as that goes. A lot of conflict and tension goes to be had if they do stop this.  And so long as they are peaceful and respectful of the city it seems a gay celebration offers no danger to the area.

3) Schiavo - Her husband will gain no punitive rewards or any money from her death whatsoever.  The 1.2 million dollar settlement of malpractice is not his, and could have been if he wanted it to. But it's not. it's too late.  He endures nothing but the scrutiny of the galvanized Christian right.  What' sad is that I don't think most of those people have thought this through.  Yes there is value in life, but, when she married that man so long ago she entrusted with him her wishes for how her life would be spent.  He has maintained that these were her wishes, to not be kept captive in the empty husk of her body, but to be let go when it came time.  He will gain nothing from letting her die, I think it's pretty safe to assume that he is sincerely caring out his wife's wishes.

What's more disturbing is that certain people in our government have taken this tragic affair and attempted to skew what religious doctrine is about this.  So let us think carefully about this.  It seems reasonable that a) Christians are interested in following as best as they can God's plan.  b) Generally respecting life is part of that plan. So let's think carefully what this word means, life.  Are we to respect a set of cells amassed together?  Are we to dismiss the grieving state of a family torn apart by her horrible trauma? What's more interference with God's plan? What interferes more with the natural course of things?  It does not seem arguable that whatever soul/mind/conciousness that resided in that body is still there. Doctors agree she is in a vegatative state.  Vegetative: That is not a state for a human being to be in, it's undignified, it's vulgar and its a disrespect to the spirit that lived in that body.  Moden science has failed to find a way to hold her concious there in that body.  Society will fail her more by keeping her body alive.  ... Maybe alive is the wrong term.  Doctors generally agree that she has basically no chance of regaining consciousness. Think of hte horror if she did, think of what the quality of life would be.  It's one thing to live in a wheelchair, it's another for your mind to be destroyed.  That's what makes human, our ability to feel, to love, to think.  If she doesn't have those, there is nothing that this Earth can provide for her, there is no comfort in these empty planes.

If you believe in souls, I think it's safe to say that her's is in a better place now.  Our means and technology are impotent to repair the massive brain damage of that woman. I think that is enough grounds to humble ourselves before things we cannot control, and abdicate to her wishes.  That empty husk of a body is no longer needed, and should be put down with whatever dignity that can be scrapped from this spectacle.  That in my mind, is the merciful thing to do, it's the loving thing to do, and please forgive me if I am wrong, but if I might be so bold, perhaps the Christian thing to do.
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