Apr 19, 2006 06:54
So tommorrow there is a new Chick-fil-A opening in some town north of Orlando. Apparently, whenever a new one opens they give out free coupons to the first 100 people that are in the door. The coupons are for free value meals for a year! So, today after seminar Steph, Megs, Jason and I are driving down there and we are going to camp out all night long to wait in line. I know most people think we're crazy, but I think it will be a lot of fun and come on- it's free Chick-fil-A for a year. You know I'm not gonna pass up free chicken! So anyway, this will be nice. We feel like we're going on vacation or something. This is the last week of our internship and we have so many big projects and so this is a nice break to reward ourselves for how hard we've worked. I guess going to Hawaii or something might be a better reward, but I dunno- free chicken is right up there! haha