(no subject)

Jan 18, 2006 11:02

Because jennem poked me to do it, I'm updating, but only quickly as I'm sitting in class at the moment. Classes started again last week and for the most part I'm happy with my professors so far. I really really love my Con Law prof, I think that's going to be my favorite class by far.

I got drunk both on Thursday and Saturday so good times all around there. Umm...not much else to talk about I suppose. I'm really tired. I can't seem to get myself to go to bed at a decent hour and then when I have to get up early for class it just makes it worse. We've decided we're not going out on Thursday, just maybe a movie and then watching tv. I mean, how can alcohol really compare to Dancing with the Stars and ER? ;-)

On a happy note, American Idol started again last night. That's like my favorite show of all time. It's wrong that I get a good laugh out of other people's pain, but I find it to be so entertaining. I didn't really see anyone last night who blew me away with their voice, but we'll see.

Ok, better go because he's actually lecturing about stuff now, so I'll do a full update later.
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