May 17, 2004 10:58
WoW!!! this weekend waz fun! on friday it was my last day at SACS!! YES! i thought i would never get outta there. it was sad but we got ice cream and cookies and we signed shirts and yearbooks and it was fun...but at the end it was sad and brig started cryin and then i did and then every1 did. so it was sad. then i had to go to drama and i snuck out and was like peace...then i went to help set ^ 4 the dance. that was kewl but it looked like a g-ma's house so it was stoopit. but the black lightz were kewl...then i actually got to the dance and that was fun but they were threatin to not let us walk 4 graduation b/c we were dancin dirty so that was stoopit but o well. but it was then we had graduation and i was l8 and my mom was cryin and stuff so that was rele gay. the whole ceremony went rele rele rele slow. then we sang meet u there and it sucked but o well. then we went to the auditorium and ate and took pics and stuff...then i left and went to ruby tuesday and saw eli and brendan and mike and tj...brendan and mike were 2gether but every1 else was alone...but that was kewl. then i went home and slept and went online and then got ready for savannahs party. it was awesum, we were mostly in the hot tub but yeah there were 29 ppl in there...ya kinda had to b yeah. then my mom came and i got out and then brigette was like well ur never guna c me again dont u want a hug? and i was like ok so i took of my shoes and put down my purse and i wasnt expecting to get in but all of them pulled me in and i gave im gunna miss all of them that r going to verot....i luv u guys!!! then sunday i went to church and came home and slept and talked online about wut we were doing over summer! so yeah i g2g luv ya -_- Jada-_-