10 days to go

Apr 27, 2006 19:16

I know I keep saying I need to write happy entries, but I keep getting sadder with every passing day. I'm not sad to leave Gainesville, but I am sad to leave the few friendships that have meant so much to me, especially the girls in my DZ family. It's hard because no matter how much you keep in touch, relationships are never quite the same. You can't just call someone up and hop in your car to see them whenever you want. Or literally walk down the hallway and pop into their room just to say hi, or because you're lonely. Today's little pre-bridal party put everything in perspective for me and I think it finally hit me when Laura left that goodbye's are here.

It was really hard for me to say goodbye to Laura because I don't know when I'll see her again. I'm so incredibly sad that I didn't get to spend too much time with her this semester, but I know she was so busy with school work and jobs and whatnot. It's the same with you Meredith. I know there is no use looking at the past, but I remember the semester I met you both, and the following spring. We were the inseparable trio, three best friends who stuck by one another's sides through it all. I even remember that Phi Tau social when that guy asked you if you planned on leaving my side, but you didn't. You stayed with me the whole night and we had so much fun just being with one another. I'm not really sure why things changed, or what happened between the three of us, but that togetherness dissipated. Maybe it's just because our family grew so quickly, or maybe we grew more into our own lives and didn't need each other as security blankets anymore. I guess I'll never know. But as I told you last night, we can't get the time from this last semester back, and I wish we had spent it hanging out more and rekindling that amazing friendship we once had. I don't know if you agree or not, but I thought I should let you know how grateful I am that I met you. I know we fought now and then, and perhaps I did a lot of things you didn't like, but you have blessed me in so many ways and taught me so much about myself. I am so thankful that I've had you in my life.

As far as the rest of the family goes, Sharon and Karissa have been such joys even though I didn't get to know either of them particularly well. Between Karissa and her constant supply of delicious goodies or Sharon and her ultra-driven, take-over-the-world attitude, the two of them have added such a unique dynamic to our family. I'm proud to leave it in their hands!

I really wish that I had gotten the chance to meet Allison earlier. She is such an amazing friend and we have so much in common. If we only had more time, I think the two of us would have become really close. She understands me and thinks like me, which is a rarity!

And as for my Aynsley. I have been so blessed to have her in my life for eight long years. I feel so lucky to be a part of a pair that has been through thick and thin and still made it through in one piece with a stronger friendship than ever. Aynsley, I can't wait until it's my turn to get married and to have you standing by my side as my maid of honor. I love you more than you know and I always will. Thanks for always being there to talk to me when I need you, and to talk to me even when I don't need you. You are always there to cheer me up, reassure me when I'm having doubts, or help me understand this crazy world when I find myself lost and confused. College may have sucked, but at least I had one shining light throughout, and that was you!

Ok, it has taken all of my best effort not to cry while writing this. Why are goodbyes so hard? And why do they always come just when you are starting to feel comfortable in your everyday ways? It's almost as if
G-d is giving you one long test in life. Once you pass one test (one phase of your life) and get through the adversity, you are immediately brought to a new test. It's a tough road, but I know I'll continue passing these many tests that come before me if I continue to find friendships as dear as these in the rest of my years.
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