Nov 07, 2005 14:01
I'm currently an economics major. heh. Its only temporary. I have to raise my GPA before I can be a marketing major.
I've decided to take Intro to Stat, Macroeconomics, Problem Solving Using Computer Software, and Principles of Marketing next semester. The first 3 I have to take for my major (well, for Marketing) and the last one just seems like a good idea to take. Trent's taking the same 3 for his new major (business) and Lauren and Peter are also taking Into to Stat. That should make it fun.
I've decided I'm going to start caring again. I really don't want to fail out of college. =) Yay for that epiphany.
Oh, and Trent's thinking about rushing SAE (Sigma Alpha Epsilon) next semester. I'll get to go to frat date functions. heh. And Build-A-Bear will be opening in Gainesville sometime next semester at the Oaks Mall so I'll be making some money.
I have a Calculus test tonight. I hate that class so much. I want to drop it again and take Business Calc (its easier) but I don't know if that's a good idea. I'm going to take tonight's test and then go to my TA's office hour on Thursday and ask him what my chances are of passing the class.
I have a Microeconomics test tomorrow night. I think I understand most of the stuff. I'm not near as worried about that test as I am tonight's calc test.
Well... I guess that's all.