Apr 05, 2008 21:01
Why do I watch Oprah? It just gives me bad ideas. So, Tuesday I was at home, minding my own business and I turned it on Oprah. Unfortunately, Dr. Oz was on and he had given everyone the challenge to give up soft drinks for two weeks. Of course, they only read the positive letters because I'm sure there were a lot of people who went crazy after two days and then downed a two-liter. So, I decided to try this. I'm strong. I could stand to lose five pounds so I look better in my bridesmaid dress. I'm not completely and utterly addicted to Cokes and Dr Pepper. So, Tuesday night, I drank about five Dr Peppers (much like the drunk who shows up drunk at rehab) and went to bed.
Now, I've given up soft drinks one other time for 28 awful days in 1993. I also gave up caffeine that time as well and was the most unhappy person on the planet. This time, I did not give up caffeine because I'm not stupid. I was more worried about the sugar intake than the caffeine intake. So, it's four days and I haven't killed or maimed anyone yet, but I've come awfully close. Worse, I still have soft drinks in my house, but I refuse to throw out perfectly good drinks. By the end of this experiment, I'll probably be addicted to coffee and tea since I've been drinking them like mad. Only eight more days to go...