Writer's Block: Where your memories began.

Jul 14, 2008 02:37

The earliest memories I have are from when we lived in our trailer. That would be around three or early four. Because we moved into this house the summer before I started kindergarten.

One, I can remember sitting by our fireplace type thing eating spaghetti-o's and complaining to my mom about how I got pushed off the slide at daycare.

Another, I'm sitting on the kitchen floor, waiting for my uncle to make me some toast, but I wouldn't eat it because it didn't look like there was any butter on it, because it had melted into the bread.

And last, there's this one where I'm waking in the house all happy, because I just got this huge pack of barbie shoes and new flourescent orange dress for my barbie. :)

These are just a few of many. :D

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writer's block, memory

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