Campaign built this body.

Nov 24, 2008 16:16

That's pretty much the theme of this update, with an occasional besieged and skill up party (technically a pick up exp party but actual exp gain was more like a skill up). Either way, clickity on the cut for some oversized pictures!

Starting with my obligatory cheering moghouse pic:

It's funny but one of the things I used to hate the most with DRK was the need to level GS, as Elvaans have ugly ass pose for it, but ultimately I chose to pose with it because since 66 it's been my weapon of choice. Spinning slash is awesomeage! Even though I'm currently rocking Vendetta, a D97 scythe, my Guillos on high def mobs (such as IT exp mobs or most campaign mobs) are consistently weaker than my SS, usually over 100 dmg less. I expect the difference to be much less on low IT-VT merit mobs, but so far GS is really shining brightly. Though it's always nice to have 2 weapons to chose from, both of which are essentially equal. This hasn't been the case for any of my other DDs, WAR, MNK, NIN, DRG.

Aaaanyway, just like with NIN and DRG I really feel like wrapping this up fast now, especially since the 70s is filled with goodies every new level (expect meh 74). Still my previous exp party experience (henceforth referred to as skill up) left more to wish for. To begin with we had a 4/6 wipe on the first mob due to aggroing a grand total of 4 imps. Don't ask how the hell we managed. That'd be enough for me to just HP but for some reason I felt compelled to give them another chance. And thus followed 12k exp and 2 additional deaths in 3 hours. One person of particular note was the original party leader, a SAM:

His gear was every bit as horrible as it looks. RK body, STR+2 rings, no grip, chocobo whistle neck, some lvl60 399 delay GK, lvl38 cuir highboots or whatever etc. NQ amemet, swordbelt and his sipahi turban was about the only things right about what he wore. Either way I politely told him he needed a serious farming break, to which he responded as above: "I have hachiman" FUCK YEAH hachiman will make it all better. Goodness gimptious.

Otherwise, it's been mostly just campaign campaign campaign. Boring I know, but it's consistant. I've been pretty much doing some 10k exp per day and it adds up to a ding every 2-3 days. I have a special unlucky NM though, that damn RNG NM that always sneaks around Vunkerl. It's like I just fart his general direction and he randomly decides to make me his most hated person in spite of being in a giant crowd:

Besides this, not much is new really. Lewtwise it's been dead, with the exception of

which was the result of some rather intense besieged camping. As for Nyzul I suppose we have gotten some stuff done, we had some denali feet drop for us recently but 80s and 100s has been very very cruel. We still need 1 askar body and 2 askar heads and we haven't seen either the last month in spite of trying hard.

What to do when DRK is done. Well there's always merits, not like I'm finished with them even for my old jobs. Maybe halfway done? And and and, I DO need to finish stupid dancer. I'm thinking about doing what I did with DRK for a few levels, use emperor band and kill EPs for an hour at a time. I'd get a level a day easily that way, and not too much effort involved. Besides that I am once again pondering a new money making effort, through crafting. If nothing else I need to do KS30 and BC40 and what not because I'm not living it too fat and I would after all like to get a hauby+1 again someday. And maybe buy an algol, and a black belt, and a ... etc. Heaven knows if I'll manage that, I've never been very good at making consistent cash.

I'll end this post with a pretty picture taken a while ago from Vunkerl, I kind of liked it!

Until next time.

// Gathzel

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