well this is the first time i have entered a journal thing into livejournal and predictably its gonna be about the birthday of moi! Well, first of all i decidded to have some peeps over in the afternoon to start the drinking off, unfortunately i didnt take any pictures so im not gonna bother ramblin on bout this bit kos theres no pics for you to look at! so after the boozin, me and oli decided to go off to see Funeral For A Friend which was really enjoyable but i didnt get any pictures which also sucks. so me, oli, charlie cosser, jamie stoker and some more emo kids from the gig decided to come back to my 'humble' abode and start the cotching! over the next hour more and more people turned up and in the end there were about between 50 and 60 well safe peeps in my house, which was kl. this was fun but then my rents decided to be cunts and turn the house alarm on. by that time about 25 people had left so it was 25 people left in the house. we all trekked up to my room and began the dropping, rolling, chugging and general misbehaving (robin/emma - u had to b there to get it!!) so we ended up staying up all nite and i didnt get to sleep until last nite so i am still very tired. im really lazy so i cant really be bothered to write a massive spiel on my birthday and the pics r a little odd kos everyone was cunted when they were taken so just bear with me ok?!?!?!?
my friend simo passed out and ming decided to defile his face by drawing on it. if youre reading this ming, i have the video and ure gonna go to hell for making it!
sam - being a poser in my bathroom
i dont actually kno what i was doin but whatever it was, it made me laugh my ass off.
me - frankie - ming
lulu - luke - indi
luke & lulu
frankie - some guy called bubba or somethin - indi
oli - katie - sophie
many other pics were taken on camera phones but i lost my camera halfway thru the gatherin so i didnt get any more pics (i did fnd it again after btw)
so yeah, cheers to all those who came and brought alcohol, brought weed, brought food and general created a gd time kos it was a sick birthday (except some stuff went missing from my house which is a bit gay but o well)