Mar 28, 2008 07:54

Once again I've had my "lack of food storage" discussed with me. So just when is the end of the world suppose to happen. I've heard "people" say the end of the world was coming since I was a small child. It hasn't come yet. When you have "people" crying "THE SKY IS FALLING" for 40+ years, it makes it hard to even take them seriously.

Now the thing is that I normally have a LOT more food in the house. Not necessarily "food storage" but atleast a weeks worth of food and plenty of canned food. That is not the case atm. Consider that I haven't been grocery shopping in 3 months. I have no control over what is in my refrigerator and pantry atm so I really don't want to hear about sugar, dyes, colorings, or lack of storage. Because they are basing their comments on a situation that normally does not occur in my home. I normally do ALL the shopping. I even buy my husband's clothing without him there. I bring them home and he tries them on.

I will not be able to shop by myself for a while. I went to Walmart the other day and by the time I got back to the car I was exhausted and sore. I didn't push any carts or pick up anything heavy either. So there's no way I can go shopping. So until I can, I really don't want to hear it. Oh wait, I don't want to hear it anyway. The sky is not falling.
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