FIC: Teamwork 22, WIP, HP/DM

Nov 04, 2010 11:08

Title: Teamwork 22 -- I Never
Chapter Rating: At the top of PG-13, I think
Canon Compliancy: Through Goblet of Fire
Snakes and Lions: Teamwork is the sequel to Snakes and Lions.
Notes: Thanks to
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pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg-13, wip, my fic, teamwork

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Comments 5

snowrose November 5 2010, 14:58:00 UTC
Very interesting game of "I never" :)


gatewaygirl November 7 2010, 00:47:30 UTC
A proper parlor game, of course! :-D


sometimesafox November 8 2010, 02:53:38 UTC
Really good chapter. The interaction in the uncommon room while playing I never felt very real to me.


For Chapter 23 comnena39 April 12 2011, 22:09:36 UTC
As I can't comment in Dreamwidth, I'll post it here:

I do so love this story, the long slow development, the various different plot lines interacting around each other... I particularly like the fact that you haven't felt the need to make anyone at Hogwarts 'evil', Dumbledore is a manipulative arse but not suddenly the enemy, and Ron and Hermione's concerns about Harry are very believably canon.

Of course, every time you bring out a new chapter I end up going back to the beginning (of Snakes and Lions!) and re-reading it all to make sure I'm not missing anything. Ad then I end up fretting about when will Draco find out about Millicent, when will Hermione stop being so difficult, and most of all WHAT is goig to happen so that Harry and Draco get to stay together?! Because that I'm afraid worries me more than the whole, how to kill Voldie question... I confess, I have my shall moments!

Can't wait for chapter 24 ;-)


Re: For Chapter 23 gatewaygirl April 14 2011, 16:00:19 UTC
Hello! Are you familiar with OpenID? That lets you comment on DW with an LJ account.

In any case, thank you for the comment! I'm glad you're enjoying the pace. I like slow and with detail as a reader, but not everyone does. Over the past week, I read through some of my old original work (two novels) and have been considering what I should cut to make it a better read, and what I would need to cut to make another try at selling the first one, and they are not always the same.

Looking at my schedule, I expect to post 24 a week from today.


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