HP fanfic pet peeve

Jun 05, 2010 20:11

Lately, I have found myself reading (okay, starting to read) fics in which Harry is weepy. Harry should not be weepy.

This is not to say he cannot cry ever. I am perfectly okay with Harry crying -- eventually -- if someone, for example, dies. Or if he has been tortured extensively, with some thought given to psychological impact. Or if he rages himself into a complete loss of control and then something big hits him. Or for a lesser reason if he is heavily under the influence of chemical or magical substances. It can be done to good effect if it happens once during a story -- maybe two times in a novel-length story -- because it shows that something has broken.

Having him cry once or twice per chapter , just because he's upset (or worse yet, because he's relieved) is ridiculous. He is far too stoic for that. It also takes away any impact.


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