Teamwork 17, HP/DM, PG-13, WIP

May 23, 2010 19:21

Title: Teamwork 17 -- Keeping Promises
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Canon Compliancy: Through Goblet of Fire
Snakes and Lions: Teamwork is the sequel to Snakes and Lions.
Notes: Thanks to sociofemme for beta work. (This chapter has not been Britpicked.)

Previous chapters

Read chapter 17 )

wip, my fic, teamwork

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ojuzu May 24 2010, 02:33:26 UTC
I <3 <3 <3 Millicent and her habitual scowl, and that she doesn't like pictures, and that Harry really is friends with her even if 'friends' is not quite the word. Love how she remembers not to tell Harry her name so he doesn't out her in public.

The inter-House stuff is great, too, with how people in general seem kind of 'eh' on it -- and mostly because they're protective of the younger students. Not being sure they can think for themselves, worrying about them picking up bad attitudes . . . people really do that, more than they realise, and it's always a little bit horrifying when you notice you're shielding someone from outside influence who's the age you were when you started thinking independently. (Was that sentence coherent? That wasn't really coherent, sorry.) You don't think you're doing anything bad, you're not really censoring what they hear -- except you are. It's instinctive and insidious, which is why this inter-House relations business is going to be so difficult.

It's fitting that Harry is, finally, able to talk about his past. No, not his past; his childhood, because he really has grown up now. That part of his life is over, so he can actually deal with it.

Also I used the word 'really' about twenty times in this comment. Erm, sorry?


gatewaygirl May 24 2010, 03:05:01 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad to have someone pick up on all of that! Plot-wise, this chapter is kind of dull, so that development -- starting to set up where people array themselves on that issue of subversive influences and the balance of danger and risk -- is really what it's all about.

And yes, Harry is thinking of himself as an adult now -- as he is under Wizarding law -- which places his childhood safely in the past, and makes the children something to care for.

The next chapter should be out fairly soon; I'm nearly done with it.


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