Teamwork 16, HP/DM, PG-13, WIP

Feb 24, 2010 22:23

Title: Teamwork 16 -- Reaching Out
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Chapter Summary: On the importance of social contact
Canon Compliancy: Through Goblet of Fire
Snakes and Lions: Teamwork is the sequel to the extended version of Snakes and Lions.
Notes: Thanks to sociofemme for beta work and to calanthe-fics for beta work and Britpicking. Deviations from canon capitalization are ( Read more... )

wip, my fic, teamwork

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Comments 3

snowrose February 25 2010, 16:43:09 UTC
I love smart!Harry, who is prepared, organized, plans ahead, and considers consequences <3


gatewaygirl February 26 2010, 02:31:32 UTC
:-) The previous year was educational.



pad_the_bad February 26 2010, 23:31:47 UTC
It just brightens my whole day when I find out you've posted.


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