Happy Imbolc!

Feb 02, 2012 18:15

I have been blessed with spring energy, today -- all the more dramatic as I'd been too sick to do anything for days. It's been a bit erratic -- I've been skipping from woodworking to dusting and from organization to repair -- but extremely productive. For example, when I took the new bin for scratch out to the chicken coop, I ended up doing a quick partial bedding refresh as well, and then changing the water. I am not a great housekeeper, and in my bedroom, there are places that get cleaned, and then others that act like tidepools, accumulating little things that get scooped off the floor, or taken out of luggage, or shifted out of the way of a cat (or by a cat). While cleaning two of these, I found a lovely, delicate vine necklace that I'd forgotten buying, and a handful of gorgeous opal shards.

Now, many things are cleaner, the deck stair railing is one step closer to done, a new creative project is underway, and for the first day all week, I can actually smell dinner cooking. I've decided to consider it a gift from Brigit, helping me clear things away to make way for new works.

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