My love/hate relationship with autumn

Oct 14, 2011 22:27

In many ways, autumn is my favorite season. It is the most beautiful time, and the most pleasant for long walks in the woods (closely followed by pre-bug spring). Winter is too cold and obstructive, and summer too hot, sticky, and buggy, but just past mosquito season, the air is clear and crisp, the sky is intensely blue (when it's not grey) and the trees are diversely beautiful.

On the flip side, I'm allergic to ragweed (season: late summer to first frost) and to the mold which grows in those picturesque dead leaves. These are both things that came on in my twenties. Also, I have winter 'depression', which reached a noticeable level in my thirties. I put 'depression' in quotes, because this has nothing to do with sadness, and only gets to negative feelings after several months. For now, it's just an inability to focus on non-physical matters. A light box helps a lot, but I never remember to start it early enough.

So, at the moment I have a cold (that probably started from allergies), and am unable to write. I'll be over this in a week or two.

On the other hand, I've been very productive in the physical arena. Early seasonal depression doesn't seem to affect this at all. My partner and I decided that replacing our deck ourselves was easier than tracking down multiple contractors, getting quotes, making a choice, and hassling the chosen contractor to do the work. For us, this is probably true.

So, we've drawn up plans, applied for a permit, and installed a ledger board, and are in the process of digging three 4' deep holes. New England is not good for this. We keep hitting rock. After three days work (some of it with a demolition hammer), we have one 38" hole, one 35" hole, and one 32" hole. Back to work tomorrow, when the rain stops.

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