I got this emailed to me from the Trinity Greens address book. Democracy doesnt work people! Still, v strange. Id love to know if he gets many offers.
i'm startin a new club, my name is keith brown and i believe in a totalitarian Ireland! here are my reasons, 1. in jobs recruitment would be strictly on a professional basis, i.e. selection will be down to a persons qualifications and experience, unlike the country where we live in now whereby to get a job who MUST know people in a high up position.
2. each business would obviously be more secure, no petty competition between rival companies in whatever field as they would be owned by the government, no 'turf factions' (i was denied proper tv broadcast for years because of tv company rivalry) abolish the shares system (whereby the more money a person has, the more they get, purely a capitalist system) as each company would run on peoples tax, 3. as the media is run by the government it would be instructed to give people the news of the world, news that would benefit people, as opposed to whatever 'sells'.no need for the big ratings because no one person willl get the profits. no tabloids stuff, no big pitctures stories etc
4. when election campaigns are up coming, MILLIONS are spent for the candidates. wasting resources doing so. i say abolish this, its pointless. posters dont change a persons view on who to vote for. also people dont vote for what a politician can get them, they vote for the politician. they'll vote for a good catholic, family loving, heterosexual, publicaly orientated politician regardless of what he can do for the country, if he is exposed to be none of anyone of these (in other words human) it would be a scandal...nd despite porbably having saved a country's economy would be voted out. people cannot vote for themselves.
5. the law department is geared to drag out certain murder cases and lots of other domestic cases to give the lawyers and barristers more money, despite delaying peoples lives. this shud be stopped. and most dicatorships have the best healthcare, ie libya, cuba etc why?? because corporate vultures do not run them.
6. peoples personal greed takes over a country; its nice to be able to be 'free' as teh USA likes to put it, but there arent enough resources in the world to live as so. ie USA has 2% of worlds population yet uses 20% of worlds resources. europe is just as guilty. our easy way of life is causing suffering all over the third world, we are all guilty. a stance must be brought. while some people look on dictatorships as tyrannical, i have one thing to say; one mans tyranny is another mans discipline. and discipline is necessary for people to work together.
so please come to my group, if successful will set up a website, come to
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/totalitarian_ireland/ to discuss these issues! keith