Aug 29, 2002 14:26
I find it hilarious that that total fool in the White House and his evil satan worshiping lackeys are probably the best thing to happen to the US. His cavalier and arrogant attitude, especially since Sept 11th has alienated the entirety of NATO, especially Europe. They've finally drawn the line and said no more. The world won't put up with the US's shite anymore. The myth of their invincibilty is shattered. The euro has been proved the next successful step in the integration and unification of Europe and the US is going to find itself on the sidelines. To think, all you had to do to destroy the right wing was to give them power. I read today that even Tony-"I like sucking off Dubya"-Blair has backpeddled and said he probably wont support the invasion. With a quick head count that leaves the US totally alone. The EU has a 20% larger economy and almost 80 million more people than the US. The day when we can finally stand up to the US and put an end to their political, social, cultural and economic hegemony over the planet draws closer. The more I read about and observe this country, the more convinced I become that its set to implode. Its a society at war with itself. Vested interests have taken over entirely. The constitution is an absolute joke and always has been. This is a country that considers you a liberal if you so much as think that its not quite right that the state murders its own citizens. The environment is an inconvenience, the right to own a gun is a given but the right to an education or health care is scoffed at as communistic.
I think theres 4 things to do. Firstly - campaign finance reform. ALL contributions from any source whatsoever to any political party, politician or civil servant must be outlawed entirely. Anyone going into politics must accept that they aren't going to be rich - they serve to satisfy duty, not for material gain.
Secondly - proportional representation must be instituted and the electoral college disbanded (and while ur at it, rip up the constitution). The Republican party are a bunch of power hungry, bigotted, right wing, self interested, unprincipled and inethical sub-human beings. The Democrats are too - they just appeal to a different demographic. America is not a democracy when the majority of people's votes dont count. The development of a multiparty system is the only hope for progress. With it will come national health, third level education, greater social equality and personal freedom. The religious right would disappear as a significant authority (look at Europe - do we suffer from small minded bigots who believe they have the right to regulate your personal behaviour even when it affects no one else?).
Thirdly - "UN out of US and US out of UN" to quote a perfect example of an American who can see through all the crap - Gore Vidal. The removal of the US from the United Nations should be that organisations top priority. A resolution should be tabled in the General Assembly to have their membership revoked pending a review. Then, and only then, can the UN begin to function as it was always intended. The Security Council could be reformed, the vetoes removed and true progress made. This week leaders from around the world are meeting in Johanesberg at a UN Forum for Sustainable Development. Already rifts have broken out between the US and the rest of the world. The States threatened a boycott unless CO2 emissions were dropped from the discussion - only the most crucial environmental issue currently at stake. Many say that the UN couldnt go on without the US - what would be the point without the "most important" nation in the world? Well I know this for sure - they cant go on with them there. Since 1945 they have used the organisation as their own personal tool and only recently has the rest of world begun to protest. They have blocked any attempts at true progress. America has only 260 million people out of the world's 6 billion+. Somehow I think we'd get by without them
Fourthly - this ties in with the second point really - the office of the president must be disbanded, the constitution torn up and started from scratch. Economic and social rights for all must be included. The government (a parliamentary government) must accept responsibility for the well being of all its citizens. How can anyone question that the American system doesnt work when u have George W Bush in the Oval Office with his neo-fascist minions (or is he their minion?) running around with glee at the blank cheque 9/11 granted them? There's no compromise in US politics, only confrontation, point scoring and that old american favourite, competition.
There is hope, really. Despite the fact that only 9% of Americans believe in Darwinian evolution (according to a 1992 Gallup poll), there are a lot of people here with sense - especially in the younger generation. The school system hasn't quite managed to destroy their ability to think logically, rationally, critically or independently as it has their parents. Only 53% now support attacks against Iraq and it continues to drop. Many Americans (New Yorkers probably more than most) are beginning to understand that the US is despised (and rightly so).
OK, rant over. If only essays would come as easily as all this.