SGA Fic: Albatross (The Ancient Mariner's Remix)

Jul 29, 2008 01:12

Title: Albatross (The Ancient Mariner's Remix)
Remix of: Panic Response by
Fandom: SGA
Characters: Sheppard + McKay = McShep
Timeline: Wherever you care to place it
Word count: ~2,300
Rating: R
Summary: "Right now, standing by the gate on MX-whatever-the-hell, John Sheppard, Lt. Col., USAF, is looking just as freaked out as Rodney feels, because something on this planet is not right, which means it is well past time to get the hell back to Atlantis."
Author's Note: Thank god for
smittywing , beta extraordinaire.

They have been there for eternity, a doomed race, trapped by their own madness and despair, vaporized and bound. Ghosts in the machine, quite literally.
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