Title: No Traveller Returns (the Look Homeward, Angel remix)
dossierFandom: Stargate Atlantis
Category/Rating: Gen, PG for language. ~6000 words
Original Story:
No Traveller Returns by
greyiasSummary: The further adventures of the Repliteam.
Note: I'm pretty sure I failed at the concept of remix; I only hope that Greyias doesn't hate it too much.
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Comments 14
and thank you again, I do appreciate the help!
I don't think there's any need to fear that ;) And yay! Repliteam! This was one of the stories that I was really hoping someone might take a stab at, and I absolutely love how you did it. I love the explanation of how Rodney's shutting down his nanites, Ronon and Teyla's new names for themselves (Ronon's in particular made me sad, but rang so true), and John refusing to rename himself, because he's still a John Sheppard.
And it surprised me, but in a good way, how very creepy Elizabeth came off in this. She's a lot more like the Elizabeth that we saw at the end of "Be All My Sins" than our Elizabeth, which worries me slightly about RepliTeam's continued safety, but John seems to be keeping an eye on her.
It was a cold day in hell, and the chill was his own, personal, mortification for sins that he hadn't committed; that he even existed was his guilt.
Best. Line. EVER.
Best. Line. EVER.
I'm so glad you think so! I kind of like it it too. best of all, I'm really pleased that you like the story!
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