Assignments sent

May 01, 2007 04:24

All assignments for the challenge have now been sent out! If you didn't receive your assignment, please check your spam filters to see if it's there (subject: Your Gateverse Remix Assignment) and, if it's not, email me for a re-send.

Despite my absolute best efforts, some errors did creep in during the process :) The following people should pay attention to their SECOND assignment email (subject: Your Gateverse Remix Assignment -- CORRECTED): justbreathe80, whimsicalwhims, cinaed

I will not discount the possibility of more errors. If you've checked out your assignee's stories, and they seem to be writing for the wrong show (they're all SG-1 and you can only write Atlantis, or vice versa), please let me know as soon as possible.

Show preference is the only preference I could guarantee. (And I even managed to screw that up in a few places on my initial sort.) I tried to accomodate as many of the other preferences as possible (gen/het/slash, explicitness level, core characters, etc) but it's entirely possible I couldn't make the right matches. I do apologize for that.

If you have any problems at all, please email me! (synecdochic@LJ)

Stories are due July 1! I can't wait to see what everyone does :)

(Oh! And I mentioned it in the email I sent, but -- don't publicly post about who you've been assigned! It's more fun if everyone finds out as the stories are posted.)


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