Oct 05, 2007 21:30
So they called yesterday... I have a job interview Monday at 9:30. The one thing I can say about my company is that they are very efficient when it comes to internal jobs. They always contact you right away, and a lot of the times they want to schedule an interview for the next day...
This is it.
If I don't get it, I will not have another chance. There are only three positions for it in the entire state. There was an opening last fall at the office that is about as far from me as you can get. I applied, interviewed... didn't get the job. I wish they told me why. I know they felt that the commute was kind of far, but I wasn't concerned about it. I would have actually taken the train every day. They ended up not hiring anyone for the position...
Then there is the one that I am interviewing for now. It actually opened up a few weeks after I took my current job, and the girl lasted about 6 months and quit. I hear through the grapevine that they are pretty desparate to fill it, but I don't know if they have got any other candidates at this point.
And then there is the opening in my old territory. Because we were so small, the position didn't actually exist at the time I was there. I made it very clear to my manager at the time that I wanted it (or wanted to at least apply for it and be taken as a serious candidate) as soon as it opened up. It became clear that he really had no intention of promoting me (or any other internal employee) so that's why I ended up leaving. Since leaving, the territory has grown enough to warrant them hiring someone for it... Needless to say, it's still open. One of the girls I used to work with applied for it, but then the manager never brought it up with her again. As badly as I want it, and how cool it would be to work with all my old friends again, I would never apply for it... After the way they treated me, I would never go back. They don't deserve me.
So I am pretty much putting all my eggs in this basket. I am going to be really devastated if it doesn't work out. Hell, they don't even have to give me a raise. I'll go work there for the same salary I make now... I know it's a lot harder job and a lot of responsibility, but I have always been looking to get into the compliance and operations side of things. I just had being on the sales side, because I don't have any aspirations of being a sales person. I thought I could do it at one time, but I realized that I don't want the stress of working in a commission based position. Too much uncertainty. So if I don't make this move, I will be stuck in a sales support role forever... There aren't a lot of compliance positions that don't require a ton of experience... this is really the only one with my company that I know of.
I am really nervous. I know I am qualified for the job, and it will come down to selling myself to them. Please wish me luck - I will need it.