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Jun 10, 2007 14:49

I just finished watching the E! True Hollywood Story on the Mickey Mouse Club. It was awesome! LOL! Most of the interviews with with cast members who didn't become super famous...Tony Lucca (he was my favorite...so HOT!), Chase Hampton, Lindsey Alley, Damon Pampolina, TJ Fantini, etc.

It's just insane how much talent came out of that show... But I found it funny (yet so true) that one of the people they interviewed...a producer, or director or someone...said that the most talented people on the show weren't the ones to go on and become world famous as an adult. I am not sure, but I think that might have be directed at Britney, since it's hard to argue the fact that Justin and Christina aren't extremely talented performers.

It just brought back some great memories... MMC was definitely one of my favorite shows as a kid/pre-teen. I was just really into that type of show... two of my other all-time favorite kid shows were Kids Inc. and Roundhouse. All three were very similar in that they cast people who could act, sing and dance. And I LOVED them. I actually feel bad for kids/young teens these days... I don't think they will have anything like that which can stand the test of time and that they will look back on with such fond memories.

Now I need to go cruise about YouTube and looking for MMC stuff on there and relive my youth...
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