(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 20:47

I think if I were to write entries in all bullet points, I'd probably be inclined to write more often. It just seems that it'd be a lot more concise and to the point.

This week, work has been crappy, and I totally ahte my job. Sometimes people forget that I am their assistant, and not there to do their fucking job for them. That is why they get paid the big money, and I make pocket change compared to them. It's really really frustrating and demoralizing to have a job where other people get rich off of your work. I bust my ass for those people there...maybe I shouldn't do that anymore. Maybe I should just go in, do the bare minimum to get by, and leave it at that. Working harder does not get me anything extra. Hardly even a thank you most of the time. But it's just part of my work ethic...if I am going to do something, I'm going to do it right and put a lot of effort into it. Blah. I hope next week is a better week.

We have a couple of new guys that have been there for a week or so now. It was bugging the hell out of me...one of them reminded me so much of someone, I just couldn't place it. But I finally realized who. He looks just like Rivers Cuomo - I think that's his name. The lead singer of Weezer. Hot in that dorky sort of way.

So you may or may not have read a recent friends' only entry about the boss that I have slightly developed a crush on. Anyway, I SWEAR this guy is flirting with me. And I am usually oblivious to those sorts of things, so I could be totally wrong, but I always felt that way a little bit... But I just took it as him being a friendly guy. But the other day he emailed me out of the blue just to see how my day was going. While I understand that that may be completely normal for some people, I totally do not work in a place where that is the norm. Usually the boss only emails you if you did something wrong, or he needs you to do something...definitely not "social" emails or chatty emails. So we emailed back and forth for a good part of the day...lots of one liners...both cracking jokes with one another and stuff. Very strange. Whatever, though. I'll take it. He makes me smile, which sometimes I desperately need at work.

Hmmm...felt like I had a whole lot more to write about, but am drawing a blank at the moment.
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