LOL, my 71 mother got a new phone and she is texting me like a mad woman. She's never had texting before. What a hoot!
Whew, the workout has been a killing me these past several days. I've been trying but I'm still not acclimatized from my vacation. Funny how 6 miles on PEI felt like nothing and 3 miles at Fort Donelson liked ta killed me today. I just could not keep the interval going beyond 30 minutes. I was soaked and wanted to fall down and puke on all the hills, though not necessarily in that order. I'll get used to it again. Of course, it was still 92 out at 5pm but I've worked out in worse heat. I wonder how long it is going to take to readjust.
I tried to be good on vacation but the eating plan lasted, oh, about a day. But I still ended up losing. Maybe it was all that walking and fitting in exercise on top of that.
I've readjusted to work without too much despair and distress. I only had 3 giant piles o' charts waiting on me but I'm almost caught up. (well, as caught up as I can ever be at any given time)
Yesterday, I really wanted to be at comic con. My f-list was inundated with SPN and I was all a flutter by The Pretty and completely mesmerized by Mr. Don'thatemebecauseI'mbeautiful. Seriously, the JaredHair pretty much had it going on and slayed all the competition. I could not stop looking at it. (I'd link but I'm on the iPad where I still have probs doing such things. Plus, I can never keep up with the "rules" regarding linking and I have no desire to be involved in a fandom brouhaha. )
But where was all the Merlin stuff? Must still be buried in my f-list somewhere. I'll never get caught up on the vids. (which is probably a good thing because they'll be all spoilery and I'm feeling a bit weak.)
OMG, my mom is still texting me!! Hilarious!!
scarym1I miss vacation, too, but you'll be pleased to know that my house was still standing when I returned home. It wasn't perfect, but way, way better than I expected what with all the teenagers who traipsed through here while I was gone. I did find boys boxers and dirty socks in the strangest places. Teenage boys. Whaddaya do? I reckon there's a partial wardrobe over here for every one of them.
Wow, school starts August 1. My son will be a senior! When did that happen!?!
It may be slow going but I do hope to post reports and pictures about the month of various vacations. I'll probably have to split it up by theme for the sake of variably interested.
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