I was going to post about how I've watched more television in the last week than I have in the last 6 months! I am almost caught up with Leverage (I still love you, Hardison!!). I literally mainlined the last 12 episodes of season two of Glee because they finally went streaming on Netflix and, for some reason, when I watch that show I can't seem to stop until I am done (and I don't even know why). I also started watching Warehouse 13, which also went streaming, and it is FANTASTIC! I love it when a pilot sucks me in.
But this post isn't about these shows, though it was going to be. No, I watched Lancelot Du Lac last night and my mind has been stuck on it ever since.
And I am still in total denial about Lancelot.
I've tried to steer clear of reaction posts; keeping to my f-list because I realize as much as I feel the episode was awesome and painful and heartbreaking, it is also polarizing. However, I still find myself irritated to the point of soapboxing by rage posts that make blanket comments about how "everyone" detests the episode and TPTB are made of fail. I think everyone has a right to feel what they feel and certainly this ep made me feel things but, let's face it, online fandom is but a small subset and does not comprise the whole of fandom. To be honest, most of the people I know who are really into the show are not online and know NOTHING of the online fandom world. They do not know what the word slash even means and I am certainly not going to alter how they see and enjoy the show by talking about how there are fans out there who want to see Arthur and Merlin get it on. The feedback that I am getting from this different point of view is that this series is their favorite and it is better than ever. (*cough* Yes, they are getting the episodes from me with the promise to watch it on SyFy or buy on iTunes *cough*) So, to be clear, TPTB may have "messed it up" for some people but folks shouldn't presume that because they feel this way, EVERYONE must feel this way as well. I am usually pretty tolerant of the ships and viewpoints of others (equal opportunity shipper, remember) and I love me a good discussion but nothing, NOTHING gets my goat more than folks assuming to know what everyone wants and actor/director/writer/ bashing because the story didn't play out according to a certain fan group's rigid specifications!
End soapbox rant. On to other stuff.
I am one of the ones who had my heart broken last night but I feel that the show is making very bold choices. Yeah, it is a departure from the legend but isn't the whole series a retelling? If I am going to accept some variations I can't rant and rail when the variation doesn't suit my own personal speculation of how it "should" go? Truthfully, I don't think this show ever planned on showing too much of Arthur's reign, meaning that we would likely never get to the point of the betrayal from legend as that was part of the death spiral and this show hasn't even made it to the peak of Arthur's time.
Regarding Gwen and the enchantment. I think it was the perfect way to go and here is why. While I agree that there isn't always the best chemistry between Arthur and Gwen (and, again, this is my own opinion that does not presume that everyone must feel this way), the story is that she loves Arthur and, chemistry aside, I do believe that. The Gwen of this series is also fiercely loyal and she had just agreed to marry Arthur! For me, it would have been unbelievable for her to have dalliances with Lancelot without the enchantment no matter her current or past feelings. I think this enchantment was one of the most clever of the series thus far in that it acted upon feelings that were already there. And that is why no one put two and two together, not even Gwen! It also implies that everyone knew about these feelings, which is keeping with the legend. It breaks my heart that Morgana has done this to Gwen, maybe more so than when she tried to have her killed, if you can believe that. It hurts, but I can understand Morgana's hatred of Merlin. It really hurts, but I can believe she is so mad power hungry that she wants the throne and Arthur dead. But, Gwen. Her treatment of Gwen literally cuts me to the core.
The WTH's:
WTH, Merlin. You creeper stalker, you! I know this show is from his viewpoint but eavesdropping on the proposal is taking it a bit far!
WTH, Elyan? Your sister is being banished!!! The only thing I got is this sort of is in keeping with the time period.
WTH, Merlin, part 2. You just sit there and say nothing to Gwen as she leaves, lugging her laden cart behind her. I actually wanted to slap you for that!
WTH, Agravaine. I still don't know why you are siding with Morgana over Arthur but you are doing fantastic as the most hated villain, ever.
WTH, Lancelot. You can't really be gone, gone are ya?
WTH, Merlin, part 3. You made me think you were bringing Lancelot back to life. I kept looking at his bier thinking, is he breathing? IS HE DEAD?? And then you SET HIM ON FIRE!!
WTH, Bradley, Angel, and Colin. My heart cannot withstand your awesome powers of emoting. Santiago, how is it that your simple thank you ripped my heart clean out! It's gotten down right Pavlovian. Merlin tears up and I do as well. No fair ganging up on me like this!
You may have noticed that there is no WTH, Arthur. That is because I bought ALL OF IT, even that out of control fight. Why? Because I think he was also aware of Gwen's feelings toward Lancelot, at least subconsciously. Because we've seen him challenge his own father while in a similar state of anger and betrayal. Because, he'd just asked Gwen to marry him FCOL!! And I love Bradley here because I bought it all. I bought him shaking Gwen. I bought him coming down to earth after it was all over. Enough so that he could even talk to Gwen. I loved him. THIS IS ARTHUR! This is the Arthur that I see in the legends over and over again, a fallible but honorable person who tries to do the right thing and is betrayed and is hurt because of these betrayals because he loves those who betray him and in spite of their actions. This is the Arthur that I love and who my heart always breaks for. Over and over and over again.
Yep, the reveal, when it comes is going to be brutal!! BRUTAL! I hurt just thinking about it.