Jun 14, 2011 19:37
- So, yeah, I was going to go easy on the bullets but since I am going to have to adjust to a whole different amount of free time based on my new schedule, I may have to keep bullet-ting for a bit.
- But, first things first! Congratulations to soniag whose first novel, The Revenant came out TODAY! Unfortunately, I am still waiting on my copy to arrive (even though it was SUPPOSED to arrive today. Grrrr).
- I had a great time this past weekend with my friend C who I met up with in Louisville, KY to attend a Christian women's conference. We used to work together before she moved "up north". I didn't matter that we hadn't seen one another in a year, we babbled on and on the entire weekend. We always had such great times working in the ER together (and have such great stories to rehash!).
- But, I do so love it when real life and fandom collide (because it so rarely ever does). At one point, I was boasting a bit about my out of character spontaneity by going to Boston to watch a movie. Of course, this being real life, and therefore somewhat separate, I didn't go into any details and resisted the urge to wax poetic about Colin Morgan's cheekbones acting, though of course I was thinking it. Then, later, as we are comparing Netflix instant streaming habits, she asked me if I had "ever watched this show called Merlin"
(cue hallelujah chorus)
- Don't you just love it when that sort of thing happens!?! It gets better. It seems that she, too, is somewhat enamored of CM. But really, who can blame her? The adorableness is, quite frankly, overwhelming. See exhibit A
- Anyway, it was quite the fun time comparing "what to watch" notes and, now, it seems that I have a "Texting Tudors" watch with C in addition to the Farscape Friday chat that is already ongoing.
- If I am going to watch this much TV, I will need to learn new free time management strategies now that I am working the same schedule as the rest of the world.
- Speaking of work, even though I am still in paperwork mode, I am getting some good vibes thus far and think I am going to like it. I had a similar "Yay, kindred spirits!" moment when myself and two other NP's got to talking about Anne of Green Gables.
- We'll see. For the next few weeks, I get to travel to several places and work with different preceptors as part of my orientation. It's a good thing I *finally* bought a GPS device. The only question is is why I didn't make that sort of purchase years ago. So far, I LOVE it. Of course, it hasn't yet instructed me to turn left into a lake or some similar nonsense.
fangirl squee,