An update? You're kidding me, right?

Feb 09, 2006 11:56

The Trip
Well the trip to Jackson was, well, uneventful. The pediatric pulmonologist that saw Carter said he was fine. *is relieved* She examined his x-rays, as well as the set they took there. She said that he definitely had pneumonia in November, but that she didn't see any real indication of it in any of the other ones after that. She was quick to add that, of course, she wasn't seeing him while he was sick, so she didn't really know what all the doctors were basing their diagnosis on. Interesting. I read that to mean, she didn't want to contradict another doctor, but that she didn't think he ever had pneumonia again.

Also, she said that the spots on the x-rays that were marked (which she showed us) didn't seem to be anything at all. She and the radiologist both examined them and said they weren't anything of any concern. Apparenlty it happens in children's xrays, sometimes they aren't holding their breath , or they move slightly, or something else like that. At the very worst, it's possible it's a tiny ruptured blood vessel from coughing too hard. And there's nothing to do for that anyway.

So, what was the point? Nothing, except for piece of mind. Which is to say a lot, I understand. And while I am extremely relieved that there's nothing wrong, I can't help but be upset about the whole ordeal. I took off work, lost pay, not to mention what the bill will end up being. I already have issues with the healthcare in this country and am probably paranoid as it is. But I really believe that people see our insurance (federal blue cross/blue shield) and they see gold. They know it's one of the best and highest paying insurance plans around, and they use it. They rack up whatever charges they can. I really think they do. And I think we just got screwed.

The pulmonologist was extremely nice, though. And she also said she didn't believe he had asthma, or any symptoms of onset. But she said that if he ever had any other problems or we felt like we needed to come back, that they would work us in without having to go through the other doctor. And that was really nice of her. Plus they gave Carter a small toy for the visit.

Anyway, I know it's over and done with, so there's no point in thinking about it anymore. Just to be grateful Carter is well!

We decided to stop by The Bass Pro Shop in Pearl on the way back home and Carter liked to have wet himself when we walked in! lol. He was in heaven! It was pretty cool, I do have to admit, and I care nothing for hunting or fishing or anything like that. But the displays were incredible and the aquarium was so pretty. So, we did get some good out of the day.

The computer

As for my new computer, I'm still trying to decide on a new name for it. Any suggestions? The other one was just "silvery". But I want a real name for this one. One besides "mother#$%&@!". I must be nice. :)

I have figured out what to do to make it suit my needs, so I'm a bit more content with it now. Although I'm still not ready to make friends with Dell just yet. I got to work this morning and had a message from Dell about my call to return it. And then he called back this morning and asked if I still wanted to return it. He went on to say I'd have to pay the restocking fee, yadda yadda. I told him "no, I guess I'm keeping it." And he starts asking me about if I'm happy, blah blah. I hung up. I don't want to hear it.

Still working through my anger issues, don't really want to stir it up again.


I have a massive headache that will not go away! I'm popping Tylenol like it was candy. I think it's sinuses. My ear was hurting a few days ago as well. Great, another trip to the doctor if it doesn't go away. Blah.

I'm still working on icon-y presents, I promise! I've just been so damn busy I haven't had the chance to work in PS yet. But I am, I swear it!

Is it Friday yet? No? But it is Thursday... and Carter is going to be back on "ER" tonight! *squees*

computer, carter

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