(no subject)

Sep 15, 2005 21:26

So, I went to the doctor today and got a date for the surgery. The earliest they can fit me in is on September 29th. Well, that kinda sucks.

I had heard back from that guy at the Navy base... not the IT guy, but the one that worked at the Family Reserve Center. I emailed him asking about an update and this is what he replied. I'm going to copy it:

Shelby-Thanks for contacting me. Everything has been crazy around here providing services for 1,000 military evacuees while also providing support for a 1,000 bed civilian field support hospital. Ihave now worked 14 days straight without a break and many of those days were 12-13 hours. The needs at the FFSC have consequently changed due to the hurricane. I had 19 support staff come in from other centers to augment our program for a couple of weeks. The CNO has also reportedly decided to plus up FFSC's to meet this type of emergency in the future. NMCI has been out of commission since the hurricane hit, but it is back now. The way I see it, I need your services now more than ever. However, I have to see how all this change is going to fall out specifically. I should know something shortly, but a position for you is still looking very good. Will let you know more as it is revealed to me.

Hmmm... well, that sounds good. But he had said before the position was to be filled and ready to work by Oct. 1. Well, if I have the surgery on the 29th, then that's no go. I could probably manage to make it by the second week of October, as long as it wasn't lifting things, etc. It's supposed to be a clerical job, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. *crosses fingers* I can only hope that the job is still there, and that they can use me after the second week of Oct. If he has to hire someone before then, I guess I'm screwed.

I did tell Craig about the hysterectomy and he seemed okay about it. As if I really expected some big emotional reaction, not! But he did seem concerned and was asking questions about it. I told him they would take everything because I had been having such issues with ovarian cysts. At least the left one for sure. The doctor and I talked about it and we decided the left one definitely was going. Because that's the one that keeps getting cysts on it. And he said he'd look at the right one. If it looked okay, he said he'd leave it, if that's what I wanted. Because otherwise, I'll have to have hormone replacement therapy. Plus he said he could take out my appendix. lol. That just kinda cracked me up. More or less a "While we're in there..." But I suppose that's good foresight. I'd just as soon not have to get cut on again if it's at all possible, thank you very much.

Craig and I went out to eat tonight and who did I see? Justin! Justin is the IT guy from the Navy base here. The one who told me to leave my name and number before because of a possible IT job. This is the other job I had a possibility off. Well, he saw me and came over to our table and asked if I was still looking for work. I told him yes and he told me what all had gone on there. His boss got fired and they shifted one guy to his spot and another IT person to that guys spot and so on. But what I didn't understand was what Justin was telling me all this for. And then he asked me for my number again and said he'd pass my name along to the "IT guy". Huh? Craig and I were both kind of puzzled. Justin didn't seem clear whether there would be a position open soon or not. Or maybe he's thinking this new guy won't work out. I dunno. But it was cool that he came over and is still interested in my working. Could be something in the future.

Otherwise. Still feeling crappy. Tired, not sleeping, blah, blah, blah. I'll be ready to have this surgery soon!

health, craig, work

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