(no subject)

Sep 07, 2005 21:50

I hate comcast. *kicks internet* It keeps going up and down. I know I should be grateful for even HAVING cable, power, water, etc at this point, but I still have to bitch.

I finally heard from Craig today. He's going to be coming back home tomorrow for a few days. Apparently they have now changed his units status from State activated to federal activated. So he's back on full active duty status. Which is good in some ways, but also means this may go on for some time now. He said they would be rotating people out every few days to have some time off. Crimany.

He wasn't sure whether the operation finally becoming a federal mandate was a good thing or not. I can't blame him. It's so fracked up right now. All of it. The whole situation was screwed from the word go.

Anyway, Craig told me something that got me totally pissed off again. Anheuser Bush (you know, the distributor of several beers) has been donating water for the hurricane victims. Yay for that! It comes in a white can with the eagle symbol on it and says "Drinking water donated by Anheuser-Bush". No big deal. Well, apparently when some of Craig's unit tried to deliver this water to a local church for the refugees, the church refused the water because of where it came from. How ridiculous is that?! It's not like they are handing out beer for god's sake! Oh that is just so lame. And I KNOW it's a baptist church. Craig wouldn't tell me, but the fact that he didn't deny it, said it all. *rolls eyes* Sorry to any baptists who might read this, but it really pisses me off.

No photo op pics yet! Creation needs to get off their asses!

con, craig, katrina

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