My baby started school today!

Aug 08, 2005 19:20

It's not right, I tell you!

He's still supposed to be a small, tiny little baby in my arms *sniffles* But I saw him off for his first day of Kindergarten. He was excited and said he really enjoyed it. He just came in and told me he's ready to go back, lol. So that's good! But it was definately harder on me than him. When we dropped him off, he was just like "Okay, bye. See you later!" And basically ignored us. Not that I wanted a big emotional outburst or crying, but it would have been nice to be missed a little bit. *pouts*

Otherwise, I ran errands today. I went to the mall because I ran out of my face wash and they were running the free gift thing with Estee Lauder. She demonstrated this new facial mask stuff that's simliar to that micro-derm abrasion stuff. It worked amazingly well. She sampled it on my hand. I bought it and left. And now, my face and chest are itching. Very strange. I mean, she didn't put ANY on my face or anything, only the back of my hand. And she washed it off. But I'm really suspicious. I don't know what else I could have come in contact with that would make me break out in a rash. I washed my face and hands really well when I got home and I'm okay now. But how in the hell can that stuff give me a rash where it wasn't even applied? Can it? I don't know, but I think I'm going to take the stuff back just to be safe.

carter, face wash, school

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