(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 01:44

I came back over to Jackson today. I'm hoping to work on some of Craig's scrapbook from Iraq. I don't know how much I'll get done, but here's hoping I make some good progress.

I am such an idiot, truly I am. I got a possible lead on a job a few days ago. It was posted on Monster.com and said that it was a temp job, and in Jackson. Tech support for a company. No biggie. Also it was sponsored by a partner with EDS (who were key contractors in the last job I worked at)

Very cool. I had all the qualifications they wanted (MCP in Windows 2000, networking experience, hardware experience) So I applied. Either by coincidence or simply because I had worked with EDS before, I got an email from an EDS guy today. I'm thinking it wasn't related to Monster, because he spoke like this was the first I would have heard of this position.

Anyway, we emailed back and forth and I called him. He said they were looking for someone for the "Jackson area" Meaning, all of central MS and some of the northern part of the state.

Now here is where I should have jumped in and said "Oh, but I thought this was going to be a job in one location. I really don't want to travel and it's not very feasable for me right now." But do I? Of course not! I just say, "oh. okay." *headdesk*

So this EDS guy is going to forward my resume and salary requirements (which was nice, btw. I put $15/hr and the guy told me "you want that, but you'll take more if I can get it, right?" *snorts*) and get back to me.

Crimany. Do I know how to screw myself over? I want/need work so bad that I'm willing to make myself miserable in the process? I guess so.

And then there's Craig....

So he screwed up by spending all our savings on that car. And he's been working to try and get that money back. *rolls eyes* He's been selling a lot of dvd's and he's even talked about selling his laptop. Which I'm trying to convince him not to do. Even if it's for my own selfish reasons, but he'll never get any amount of money out of it and he'll be itching for one later. Besides, I may need it. lol.

He got his first batch of movies sold and the money should be going into our account in the next few days. Anyway, he calls this morning from work, saying they had a weekly meeting. Turns out that for some gov't reason, any military person that was activated after the fiscal year of '03 will get 22 paid working days for each year they were active. AND, it gets to be the higher of the two (between his civilian job or active duty) Well hot dang!

So, that will come out to roughly $5000 after taxes, etc. Thank goodness! And that money is GOING INTO SAVINGS! But do you know he actually said not to worry about putting that money from selling movies into savings. "I guess you dont' have to worry about that now." The hell you say! I told him it most certainly was, and that we were still going to have a yard sale to get rid of a bunch of crap we have and don't need. That's money to be SAVED.

I swear he just doesn't get it.

It's less than 2 weeks before my baby starts school! *sniffles* It's not right. He's still supposed to be a tiny little baby. And I still need to find some khaki shorts for him to wear. They decided this year to start enforcing a school uniform. It works for me. And Carter is really to young to know any better at this point. But my nephew... ooooh, not a happy camper. At 15, if it didn't come from American Eagle or The Gap, then he doesn't want it on his body. And you can't have ANY sort of logo or label on the clothes.

I guess I've rambled enough for now

carter, school, craig, work

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